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Service Dogs and Hearing Dogs
Crawmer's trains service dogs and hearing dogs.
Service Dogs
A service dog performs one or more tasks to assist his handler in his normal living activities. The jobs a service dog may be trained to do will be as varied as the individual utilizing that dog. Some trained behaviors such a picking up dropped items, opening or closing a door and alerting a family member may be the first tasks that may come to mind. However, a service dog may be trained to assist his handler in many more ways to accommodate the unique needs his person may have.
Every need is different and a dog must be individually and carefully selected to meet the requirements of his job. In addition to the work a service dog performs he will likely need to accompany his owner into public venues. A service dog must be well behaved and able to perform under what are often challenging circumstances since the dog may be with his owner, on public transportation, at work, at the grocery store and at the shopping mall. He must be of a size sufficient to perform the duties expected of him. His temperament and energy level must match the job for which he is being trained. Not all dogs fit the bill. It is not easy to find the right dog. Most disabled persons will not want or need a service dog. However, a well trained dog, well matched to the recipient can be a real asset to the right person. If you are seeking a service dog let's talk about it.
Crawmer's Animal Training 518 477-8230
Rarely, a person may currently own a dog that is a good prospective service dog for him. It does happen and Crawmer's will work with that dog and person.
Hearing Dogs
It's not just about missed conversation. It can also be about safety. A fire alarm, a smoke detector, a tea pot whistle or someone at the door. These are just a few sounds that can make a world of difference for a deaf person living with a Hearing Dog. Some deaf persons do hear but have a range of hearing that limits what they can hear. A service dog can be trained to alert person to sounds at home and at work. Size of the dog is not normally as important and the smallest of dogs can often be quite an asset to a deaf person while offering the added advantage of needing less living space.
If you are seeking a hearing dog let's talk about it
Crawmer's Animal Training
518 477-8230
The breed doesn't matter. It's all about the individual, both person and dog.

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